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About Ros

Before entering Parliament, Ros earned a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws. She has held various administrative roles, volunteered at Broadmeadows Community Legal Centre, and worked as an electorate officer and operations manager. From 2008 to 2012, Ros served on Hume City Council, including terms as Deputy Mayor and Mayor.

Her time at Broadmeadows Community Legal Centre highlighted the impact of providing extra support to disadvantaged community members. Ros prioritizes delivering world-class schools, community facilities, and advocating for top-notch transport infrastructure.

Ros envisions an inclusive, fair Victoria with opportunities for all. She is passionate about education, multicultural affairs, youth, suburban development, community sport, and preventing family violence.

Kalkallo District (1)

About Kalkallo

The Electoral district of Kalkallo, established during the 2021 electoral boundary redistribution, became effective in the 2022 Victorian state election. Located in the northwestern suburbs of Melbourne, it encompasses areas previously part of the Yuroke and Yan Yean districts. Kalkallo includes the suburbs of Craigieburn, Mickleham, Kalkallo, and the towns of Beveridge and Wallan.

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