The Allan Labor Government is helping people to get great jobs – near where they live – through a local Mentors program that is assisting people who have found it difficult to get work.

Minister for Employment Vicki Ward today announced that Jobs Victoria’s Mentors program is now working with more than 4,000 individuals across the state, as part of a $35 million investment in targeted employment services.

The Jobs Victoria Mentors program is available in five areas – including the City of Hume – and is helping people who need it most while addressing local workforce shortages. More than 1,180 people have registered in the Hume area since October last year.

Jobs Victoria has partnered with eleven local organisations across the state – including Jesuit Social Services, Whittlesea Community Connections and MAX Solutions in Hume – to deliver a program that ensures participants get the support they need, followed by a job that’s right for them.

The program works with individuals one-on-one and covers resume writing, job applications and interview preparation. It then connects individuals with local employers who need staff and supports them for the first six months after they start.
While employment services are primarily the responsibility of the Commonwealth, this program fills a gap left by Workforce Australia and is providing support in the areas that need it most. Nearly three quarters of people currently in the program have been unemployed for more than 12 months.
James was passionate about the automotive industry but having left school early and with limited work history, he was struggling to find a job.
After working with mentors at Whittlesea Community Connections on interview training and accessing driving lessons, James was able to secure a job at a local automotive manufacturer. He is now working as a production operator and is achieving his career goals.
To find out more about the Jobs Victoria Mentors program visit
Quotes attributable to Minister for Employment Vicki Ward:
“We’re investing in the Jobs Victoria Mentors program so we can help more Victorians to overcome barriers and find jobs that are meaningful to them.”
“The high take up rate of this program reflects how important these services are and is evidence of the dedicated staff who are supporting these job seekers across the state.”

Quote attributable to Member for Kalkallo Ros Spence:
“The Jobs Victoria Mentors program is a terrific initiative, providing one-on-one support to locals struggling to find work, and continuing that valuable support once they have a job.”